Learning to Laugh your Way to Good Health (Belly Laugh)!


Do you know what laughing is and how to do it? If you know what laughing is, do you laugh the right way? There is a world of difference between giggling casually and thoroughly taking your time to really laugh and enjoying laughter during moments that are just too hysterical to pass by without laughing.

The choice words in describing “belly laugh”, is that it is the kind of laugh that comes from deep down. The sound of belly laugh is difficult to describe because everyone has his or her own unique laughing sound but it is a kind of laughter you will feel and recognize when you hear it. 

Typical Belly laughs can last as long as 15 minutes. It start from the core and can shake your body, however the effects of it belly laugh can keep you feeling cheerful all day. The importance of belly laugh is often masked by the fast-paced society, to the extent that laughing is sometimes considered as a waste of time.
Factors that may make you not to laugh as much as expected of them include:
  • -      Feeling insecure in your laughter, or being afraid to look too childish. Nevertheless, laughing is good for your health and you should not abstain from laughing the right way because, you feel embarrassed when having a good belly laugh.
  • -      Some people are not sure of the way their laughter sounded in public and so stifled it. Some are afraid that they would have crack voice or would snort if they laughed too hard.
  • -      Some folks feel uncomfortable when they laugh in public because they are worried everyone else would hear their laugh and think it sounded awkward compared to all the other people’s perfect beautiful laughs.
If something is genuinely funny, you should laugh, you should not be concerned about what other people think. You should also not judge other people based on the quantity or quality of their laughter? Most importantly, it is unlikely that other people are paying close attention to your laughing style and determining whether you laugh in a good way or you release strange sounds during a funny moment.
  • -      Furthermore, some people are afraid to laugh out loud in a professional environment because, they do not want to look childish. While it is true that children laugh more than adults. Studies show that the average pre-school child smiles and laughs about 400 times per day; you should therefore note that laughing will not make you, your colleagues, or your employer look foolish.
Researchers have also found that there is need to lighten up workplaces, because 63% of respondents in one of the studies noted that the stress they felt at work had negative impact on their health and family life. In order to reduce the negative impact of stress in work places, many organizations are actually working towards restoring humor into the corporate world, because, the employers have realized that by incorporating fun and humor as well as maintaining a sense of happiness into the working environment, their employees would be more efficient, and productive.

It is therefore very necessary for you to laugh a little in your office in order to motivate others to be happy in their job. Sure no one will think you are foolish when you liven your work environment. They will see you as someone who is determined to enjoy the time you spend at the workplace. Who knows, you may just be what someone else needs to feel a bit more comfortable and start laughing as well?

It is important to include laughing in your everyday live because:
  • -      Studies have shown that each time you give one good belly laugh, you burn about 3.5 calories and you also release chemicals known as endorphins. When these chemicals are released into the body, there is an exhilarating effect similar to the effects of a hard workout.

  • -      Studies also support the fact that laughing invigorates and replenishes your cells, minds and souls by increasing your oxygen intake.      A good belly laugh can also relieve stress, boost immunity, and even increase your pain threshold i.e reduce your ability to feel pain.

Dear friend, you owe it to yourself to look for the funny moments in your life and just but give a big belly laugh. You should not bother about what your laugh sounds like, or what people will think of you when you laugh the right way. Always remember that laughing has tremendous benefits to your health and life. Make it a part of your life and family life to give a good old-fashioned belly laugh the next time an unexpected thing happens during your busy day.


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