Exploring Important Keys to Happier Living

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It is a fact that the path to happiness differs from one individual to another, there is however, evidence suggesting this. Research and observation show Keys that consistently have positive impact on the happiness and well-being of individuals. It is important to note that some of the keys have to do with how we interact with the outside world on day to day basis. This article explores and will enlighten you on some ways to live happier in life.

Relate or Connect with people
Your relationship with people is a very important contributor to your happiness. Studies have shown that people with strong and wide social relationships appear healthier, happier, and live longer. You therefore, need close relationships with your friends, family and neighbors in order to have love, meaning, support and increased feelings of self-worth. You should also take necessary actions to strengthen your relationships as well as broaden your networks in order to have a sense of belonging.
Do things for others on daily basis
The main fundamental to your happiness has to do with caring about your partner and people around you. It is also important for you to build and practice the act of helping other people because it is good for them and a great thing to do, giving will also make you happier and healthier. What you should give include your idea, time, and probably money. Giving is known to create stronger connections between people as well as helping to build a happier society for everyone.

Take  care of your body by exercising
Do you know that there is connection between your body and mind? In order to feel good about your physical health you have to be active and remain so. Being active instantly improves your mood and is able to even lift you out of depression. This however, does not mean running marathons rather it involves simple things you can do to be more active each day. Furthermore, you can boost your well-being by getting enough sleep.                                                                                               

Be Appreciative 
Appreciating helps you get in tune with your feelings and stops you from dwelling so much on the past or worrying about the future. It is important to learn that there is more to life that you just have to stop and take notice of. Learning to be more mindful and aware of your life will enhance your well-being in all areas of life including your walk to work, the way you eat, or your relationships. 

Continue learning and trying out new things
Learning exposes you to new ideas, arouses your curiosity and engages you to learn more. It is also important to know that learning also gives you a sense of accomplishment as well as boosting your self-confidence and resilience. Learning is known to affect individual’s well-being in many positive ways. You can learn new things by not necessarily going through formal qualifications. For example, you can share a skill with friends, learn to sing, join a club, play a new game etc.
Be connected to something bigger than yourself
It is known that people who live meaningful and purposeful lives are happier, feel more in control, and get more out of what they do. Such people also experience less stress, anxiety and depression. People find meaning and purpose in life through difference ways. To some people, it may be through being parent, to others it may be by doing their jobs, while in others it could be from their religion or faith.

Take a positive approach to your emotions
In order to live a happier life you need positive emotions like joy, gratitude, contentment, pride, and inspiration. Recent research has shown that regularly experiencing positive emotions creates an 'upward spiral’, which helps to build your resources.

Learn Resilient ways to bounce back
Experiences of stress, loss, failure or trauma are common in live or family. How you respond to these situations could have big impact on your health, well-being and that of your family. Research has shown that resilience just like many other skills can be learnt even though, most people don’t choose what happens to, but you can choose your own attitude to what happens. 
Finally, you should come to terms with the fact that nobody is perfect. But people make the mistake of comparing themselves with other people outside makes it very difficult to be happy. You should therefore, learn to accept yourself, be kind to yourself when things don’t go the way you expected. Avoid dwelling on your flaws and increase your enjoyment of life, your resilience and your well-being will help you to accept others as they are.


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