How to Bargain Your Way into a Fulfilled Life and Health



An individual’s attitude contributes a lot in making up his or her life, it is immoral; when you neither know evil nor doing well, it has no nature of its own, but it is mainly dependent on how and where it is being used. Similarly, the nature of money is often seen as amoral, that depends on whose hand it finds itself.  
Attitude is largely a virtue that could either take you to the highest realm in life or bring you to the lowest state of life. 

When dealing with relationships and life in general, the approach you take at every necessary point helps you create a good relationship or forever mare that relationship. Attitude makes a lot of demand on human life and activities, when it is used negatively it simply resist and question the human right, attitude asks questions like who are you? And what do you think you are? , do you know who I am? And how dare you talk to me like that. 

Though it seems to speak silently, but its echo is heard clearly and received with contempt. The funny thing is that most of these questions are mainly asked by males more than their female counterpart. Men are mainly found to have reservations about people and their right as a person, and usually the recipients of these cruel questions that could only be interpreted as attitude under the guise of male ego are the females.

Know that you certainly have the right to life:

When people hear the word right, they quickly associate it with something good or appropriate, and they are not far from its original intents, for right simply means your proper privilege over something. When people talk about your right as a lady, it means the advantage that comes with being a female, the benefits you have as a lady; right is something you are imbued with, and should be treasured and appreciated. But what significance is an advantage if it cannot be utilized to serve you better.

Know that you must build your right:

A right is something that gives you the power of freedom in situations, it is the pass you have in order to acquire the best things in life, it should serve you well in helping you build yourself and not break you to the point of making you insecure. 

The fact is that although your right should be seen as a tool of enhancement, not many of us know what this tools are and how to wield it to serve us well, and because so many ladies don't know their right as ladies, they fall into the hands of men whose mission it is to destroy what little treasure a woman has and reduce them to insecure people who do not know their own minds.

You should discover your right, appreciate it, build on it, and guard it with jealousy.  While you are wielding your right as a tool that will enhance you as a woman, you however, need to be careful not to use it as a weapon rather than a tool of improvement.

Ladies should be aware, and beware of the men who go about with unseen cutlasses to cut off your right as a woman. Some of these men pretend to be the best friend you thought you should have, others come wearing the "I love you –please act right" coat, and yet there are some others who pretend to be the best adviser you could ever attain.  

Whatever categories they belong, and in whatever way they seem to have presented themselves, always try to identify with them. Before describing these men and ways to identify them, it appears appropriate for you to know your right as a lady, woman or female first. Without that you might not be able to tell if and when you are being manipulated into dropping your right for such men to trample upon. 

It is your right to possess or be in possession of at least these six qualities that gives a glow to your appearance, and the qualities include: Beauty, Confidence, Humility, Respect, Feeling Secure, and Holiness.


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