Understanding How Stress Can Impact Your Family Life


The family is one of the greatest gifts that God has given to us. As being one of the natures masterpieces. One of the main functions of the family is to produce and reproduce persons, biologically and socially. A typical family is made up of mother; father and children each of them have different role and obligation as a family. In the day to day function of a family, there are challenges which include stress often times leads to conflicts. What then is stress? 

Stress is a fact of normal life that can come from the inside or outside world affecting you. It pays to bear in mind that your stress level would rise with the usual hassle and bustle associated with urban life. You must therefore, guard against the stresses and pressures sweeping you off your health status. Experts in stress research have corroborated the fact that over 70% of all illnesses are associated with stress.

To this end the following facts about stress are presented as guide to learning how to handle stress related issues of life:
  • Stress is anything that poses a threat to your well-being, 
  • Stress is an expected part of your day to day life,
  • There are some stresses that are good for you because they can help you learn and grow,
  • It is difficult to find life without any stress,
  • Some experts have stated that life without stress would be boring and even meaningless, 
  • Stress makes your brain to produce some chemicals that prepare to either fight or flee,
  • Stress that is allowed to continue for a long time will cause serious problems to your body and health,
  • Good support system from family and friends will help you to handle your stresses better,
  • Regular physical exercises among other things will help you to manage your stress properly, 
  • You can cope better with the symptoms of stress by strengthening your physical health,
  • Good stress management will involve rest and relaxation techniques,
  • Proper and sufficient sleep pattern will help relieve stress,
  • When you smoke and drink alcohol you are not using healthy ways of coping with stress,
  • Use of medicines including pain killers, sleeping drugs for a long time are not healthy ways of coping with stress,
  • The most important stress management will depend on your ability and willingness to make healthy lifestyle changes.
              You must know that stress is not only a negative experience, but from a  biological point of view, stress can be a neutral, negative, or positive experience.


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