How To Get Away from Stress and Anxiety


Stress is the physical response of the body to the demands made on it better still response to happenings that take place in and around the world. Stress in small amount helps in giving and increasing concentration, strength and alertness.

On other hand, too much of stress disturbs the day to day activities. The symptoms of stress include nausea, general tiredness, irritation and chest pain. The extreme end of stress is the anxiety. They are linked to one another. When this stress related anxiety is extreme, it leads to nervousness.

What Causes Anxiety?

1. Environmental Factors: Events of trauma, stress at work, school, financial problem, personal relationship, natural disasters and living at high altitude.

2. Health Factors: Stress from illness, side effects of medicine, symptoms of illness, pulmonary embolism

3. Habit Factors: Intoxication from an illicit drug and withdrawing the same.

4. Other factors: This includes genetic disorders, abnormal level of neural transmitter’s child abuse or neglect, isolation and social neglect.These have no discrimination among gender, culture, age and status.

What are Symptoms of Anxiety?
• Difficulties in controlling the emotion like worries
• Excessive worry in trauma from events
• Restlessness
• Fatigue
• Irritability
• Muscle tension
• Sleeplessness
• Lack of concentrate
• Social phobia
• Depression
• Panic attacks

What are the Ways to Handle and Eliminate Anxiety

• To make oneself comfortable in the existing environment
• Self-talk to get calm
• Accept the situation of stress and admit it
• Involve in another activity and intently get distracted
• Use some relaxation practice like laughter, sports and entertainment
• Keep yourself busy to get rid of the anxiety of its own
• Helping others and taking responsibilities and talking to someone reduces anxiety
• Exercises like walking and yoga
• Intake of anti-anxiety pills like Zanaprin.
• Healthy eating habits and sufficient sleep

It is a non-addictive and non-prescribed medicine that creates a very natural approach of anxiety medication. In addition to this, exercise maintains the body in form and is beneficial for internal organs to function better.

Physical activity and mental health go hand in hand. Exercise will increase blood flow to the brain, have good effect of neurotransmitters, and increase movement of muscles, as well as increase in memory and mental processing.

Keep the exterior and interior irritants aside and set your daily goals, plan the breaks and leisure time, healthy diet and plenty of water, comfortable environment completely destroys the stress and anxiety. Identify the stress reasons to get rid of it and to overcome it.


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