Fight STRESS before You are Stressed Out!


Life has become so much busy nowadays; only few if any may not be familiar with stress. It is hard to tell me who is not suffering from stress around you. People who don't manage stress well can have headaches, stomach pain, sleep problems, illness, and depression. You can however manage stress by talking to others, meditating, journaling, exercising, or engaging in a hobby.

What Causes You Stress?

There are so many things that can cause stress. For example, you may feel the short-term type of stress that is quite normal. You feel this type of stress when you go for a job interview, write a test, or to run a race. There is also the Long-term (chronic) stress that is caused by stressful events or situations; the long-term stress lasts over a long period of time.

For example, chronic stress occurs when you have problems at work or running conflicts in your family. When chronic stress is allowed for a long time period, it can lead to severe health problems.

Personal problems that can cause you stress are as follows:

  1. 1. Your health, particularly if you suffer from a chronic illness such as sugar diabetes, heart disease, hypertension or arthritis.

  1. 2. Your relationships, stress will surface in your life such as feeling that you lack support in life, when you are having problems with your relationships or feeling a lack of friendship.
  2. 3. Major life changes, include getting married, losing a job, dealing with the death of a spouse or parent or relocating to a new city. 
  3.  4. Stress in your family, when a new member of the family is born, having teenagers in the family or if other family members are under stress, or having to take care of elderly or sick family member.
  4.  5. Conflicts with your beliefs and values. Could be another cause of chronic stress. For example, you may be unable to spend as much time as you want with your family even though you may value family life.
Issues related to your job and social life that can cause stress include:
  1. Your surroundings. Chronic stress could arise from the kind of place you live in. for example, living in an overcrowded crime prone environment can be very unsettling. Environmental pollution by noise and poor sanitary condition can create chronic stress.
  1. 2. Your career and job. If you are unhappy with your job or finding your work very demanding you may be heading to chronic stress. You should therefore learn how to manage your job stress.
3.Your social situation. Low and poor socio-economic condition, feeling lonely and insecure, being discriminated against because of age, gender, or sexual orientation can precipitate stress in your life.

Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)

I  If you suffer Post-traumatic stress (PTSD) you may need help dealing with stress particularly if you have encountered a life-threatening or traumatic event like a natural disaster, rape, terrorism, or war. These events or situations can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or acute stress disorder.