According to World Health Organization (WHO), Sexual
health can be defined as, a
state of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being in association with
sexuality. Sexual health is not simply the absence of
disease, ailment or infirmity but it addresses reproductive processes, hygiene,
functions, and systems at all stages of life.
health embraces a positive and respectful approach to one's own sexuality, and
getting pleasure from one's sexual experiences and relationships. On the other
hand mental health refers to the well-being of the mind; while sexual health
refers to the well-being of the mind, body, and emotions as they relate to
Do you want to agree that sex
is one of the most basic human activities? It really does not matter whether
you agree or not, but sexual health seems to be on everyone's mind these
days and for good reason, although some of us are still naïve when it comes to
seeking assistance.
It is not farfetched that everyone wants to be
healthy when it comes to sexual issues; no one wants to think that they have
problems with this most basic of human activities.
The minds of the
young, and not too young should be loaded with positive acts and principles
that are based on knowledge that sexual act is natural, beautiful, good and
proper when in its proper place.
This situation will
eliminate the fears of parents who transmit misconstrued ideas, untruths, and
half truths about sexuality to their young and vulnerable children.
If and when adults
fail to direct the children truthfully in the name of taboos, there have their
peers, and other people out there, who will introduce them into it.
That man, woman, boy, girl, and even children
in whom positive sexuality and good morals are well integrated part of his/her
whole purpose and philosophy of life will live a happy life.
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