Overcoming Problems of Getting Pregnant and Having Babies!


Most of us assume that as soon as we marry getting pregnant and making babies will happen naturally and will be a fun and uneventful process. Just imagining that extraordinary feeling of being able to announce to your family and friends that you are expecting your new baby brings a big smile to your face.

Fertility though, is a growing issue for some couples. Getting pregnant and making babies may seem like the most natural thing in the world, but for some couples it is not so straightforward. Some couples, after trying to get pregnant with no success, worry that they may be infertile. 

Infertility may be primary - that is never having been pregnant or secondary - meaning having conceived in the past but having difficulties conceiving again. So what can be the causes? Causes of infertility can be divided into male and female issues.

Male issues include - sperm disorders, genetic disorders, testicular injuries, sexually transmitted infections or drug or alcohol abuse.

Female issues include - blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, congenital abnormalities, sexually transmitted infections, and polycystic ovary syndrome.  These are but a few of the causes - the lists are not exhaustive.

There are many daily stresses and strains in today's modern lifestyle which people accept as normal and put enormous pressure on couples. This in turn can result in their inability to conceive. So getting pregnant and making babies is no longer so much fun!

It is heart wrenching to watch couples in tears feeling disempowered with unanswered questions. Feeling guilty that they are doing something wrong - or that something is wrong with them. Even blaming each other. This can take a toll on your relationship and a downward spiral may emerge. 

The more you try, the more it doesn't happen and the more it doesn't happen the more frustrated you become. If you have been trying to get pregnant and make babies and have tried all the things the doctors have suggested with no success then you are probably still looking for help. 

Ploughing through all the information on nutritional support, counseling workshops, and how to improve your general health and looking at endless websites on how to get pregnant and make babies may be taking over your life. Remember we are not all the same and different approaches are needed for different people.

Basically woman's bodies are the same but they function in slightly different ways and knowing how your body works is the key to your success. Knowledge is power and the more you know about getting pregnant and making babies the greater the success of you becoming pregnant. Having an understanding of the different approaches to infertility is a definite advantage.


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