Important Issues That Can Prevent You From Enjoying Good Night Sleep

When you're having trouble sleeping, sleep can feel like a very elusive state of being. But the mechanics of sleep are often more obvious than it often seems. Here are a number of enemies of sleep that when eliminated can help you get a good and abundant night's sleep every night.

1. Anxiety

There are many things that can cause anxiety and an inability to relax and sleep. Life changing situations such as separation, divorce, change of job or career, or death of a loved one can all cause emotional trauma.

Exercise, proper diet, eating a healthy balanced diet, and keeping in touch with friends are all ways that you can attempt to manage anxiety on your own.If these things don't help, seeking counseling and consulting with a professional who may be able to prescribe medication may be helpful in improving your ability to let go of your worries and sleep.

2. Physical Distractions

If you don't sleep alone you may have distractions that are not of your making. A loud snorer, a late night television watcher, or a person who insists on using a light to read at night can all work against your getting a good night's sleep.

3. Snoring

Is a common problem, and there are many products on the market that can help. There are also a number of other things you can do to invite sleep in your bedroom. You can ask that the bedroom be reserved for sleeping, and that television and reading be done elsewhere after a certain time of night.

If those are not options that work, think about using ear plugs and eye covers or a sleep mask. Even though you may look really strange when you're in bed, the pay off may just be a good night's sleep.

4. Stimulants

Often the food and beverages you consume have caffeine or ingredients that stimulate your body and actually keep you awake. Sodas with caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate, and an over abundance of sweets can make it very difficult if not impossible for you to wind down, relax, and get to sleep.

5. Exercise is a great natural stimulant.

But be sure to work out in the mornings or far enough ahead of bedtime so that you are able to fall asleep easily.

6. Limiting your intake and keeping consumption away from bedtime

This could make all the difference in how well you are able to sleep. Some over the counter and prescription drugs may have insomnia as a side effect. Many over the counter drugs for cold and allergy relief can keep you awake.

7. How you react to medication is totally unique

If you find a medication is causing you to be wide awake, try taking it at another time of day or ask your physician and/or pharmacist to recommend alternatives.

8. Pet dander, dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pollen

These are just a few of the irritants that can find their way into your bedroom. If your body has sensitivity to one or a combination of these respiratory triggers, the bedroom can become a battle ground rather than a haven for sleep.

 9. Airborne Irritants

Indoor pollutants in the air can be a constant source of irritation for your body. And regardless of how clean you keep your home, these airborne pollutants seem to find their way into the best of homes.

Having your body attempt to fight off these often invisible irritants can produce symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, congestion, and an irritability that just does not lend itself to a peaceful night's sleep.

Constantly filtering the air in your bedroom whether you are home or away is one of the non-invasive and proactive steps you can take toward getting a good night's sleep every night.


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