Strategies For Enjoying Good Emotional Health


There is always a time to start afresh and do away with worn-out, dysfunctional ways of thinking of that hitherto had been the way you did your things. You need effective "mental" habits. To perform optimally at work or at home, you need to be aware of your emotions and how to manage them well to further your goals. When you have a healthy emotion, you can make good decisions, maintain enjoyable long-term relationships, and become more productive.

1. Reduce stress. Too much stress is dangerous because it negatively affects not only your emotions but also your physical health. Severe stress can lead to depression, frequent fatigue, back pain, and headache. In order to maintain good emotional health you should be able to contain your stress as much as possible; prevent work related stress and have adequate rest and sleep. 

Establish humour in your home in order to let your children and partner laugh. Moreover, pay your bills promptly in order to avoid unnecessary debts. Avoid taking any responsibility you can't handle. If you exactly how you feel, life will be better for you.

2. Start regular exercise. It is now common knowledge that regular and sustained physical and mental activities are good for your health. Regular exercises you make you enjoy better quality of life, strength, feelings of well-being, and physical functioning. Regular exercises can also help prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. 

There are physical health benefits of exercise that can enhance psychological functioning by handling mild anxiety and depression, improving self-esteem, and reducing stress-related conditions. Brisk walking and jogging can keep your body healthy, similarly when you read frequently, playing card games, and solving crossword puzzles can keep you mentally alert.

3. Watch what you eat. Exercise alone is not enough. The type and quality of food you take can likewise determine how you feel. Eating low salt, low-caloric, and high fiber foods. This category of food includes rice, wheat, fish, white meat, fruits, and vegetables are examples of healthy foods. You must avoid fatty meals and processed foods with high amounts of dehydrogenated fats that can increase your risk of developing heart problems and stroke. 

There is also serious need to avoid alcoholic beverage; excessive alcohol intake will lead to memory lapses, impair your thinking ability and judgment. Alcohol is a depressant, and as such it will also make you feel depressed. Furthermore, excessive use of caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, and soda can keep you awake at night and make you feel anxious during the day.

4. Practice the I AM principle. The I AM principle — an acronym that refers to three important ways to live a peaceful life. 

a. Ignore trifles. If you can focus on two to three things that you value and that really matter to you, then you can live a more satisfying life. Unfortunately, you chase new things, acquire massive mansions, and work overtime to the point that your health, your families, and your peace of mind suffer.

b. Accept. You should learn to accept the things that you cannot change. There are many people who feel miserable just because the weather is "lousy", or an ex-wife had committed adultery, or that they failed to buy bank stocks 10 years ago. It is very important that you should dwell on things that you can exercise some control over that is the present and 

c.Move on with your life. Always learn to release the past and trifles from your grip so you can move on and enjoy life.

5. Establish good relationships. Having a healthy relationship is one of the keys to happiness. Many contented individuals share one thing — they give love and are loved in return. In anything we do, we need to develop positive relationships. Success is based on establishing networks that will take you to the next level.

At work, you should try to get along with everyone particularly with your boss. Stress level is reduced and productivity increased when you work harmoniously with others. At home, couples who openly communicate and develop ways to resolve differences have lasting marriages. 

And families who share something special together end up happy together. You should learn and practice how to make people feel important. Shower them with praise and show that you care. When they speak, give them your focus and attention and make them laugh often.

6. Ask for help. One of the mistakes most people make is not to ask for help when faced with problems or emotional difficulties. Rather, they remain in in a state denial of procrastinate with the hope that the problem will soon go away. This attitude, although may serves a purpose for some people, it is actually a recipe for self-destruction simply because any unaddressed problem can result in more difficulties and more complicated issues later on.

During hard times, monitor yourself closely for any mood changes. Do you feel down, anxious, tired, or restless? Have you lost interest in doing things? When you notice any mood problems or if you can't handle your personal and work issues, then ask for help.

In summary, when you diligently prepare to survive, as well as being emotionally capable will thrive. It is hoped that the strategies discuss can help you attain the emotional health you deserve.


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