How to Guide Young People to Set Achievable Goals in Life


Setting goals by young people somehow in my society largely depends on the parents. If your parents didn’t set goals for you, didn’t talk about goals, didn’t encourage you to set your own goals, and didn’t talk about people outside the family circle who had goals and were moving toward a higher level of achievement in their life; then you will very likely grow up with the thought that goals are not even a part of usual existence.

This is the case for the majority of young people.The important reason why people don’t set goals is because they don’t know how to do it? One of the greatest tragedies of the educational system is that you can receive 14 to more than 20 years of education in your schools and never once be taught how to set goals or targets.
In some schools where goals setting programs have been introduced right from the basic level or primary level, young people become energized about goal setting—even if the goal is only to add to the overall scores by little percentage. 

Children become so energized about achieving goals or targets that by the middle level of primary school, they are hardly ever absent. They are keyed up about themselves and about their future lives. So parents should encourage their children to set worthwhile, sensible and realistic goals from an early age.

Another reason why people don’t set goals is as a result of fear of failure. The fear of failure is caused by unhelpful criticism in early childhood and this is manifested, in maturity, in the fear of criticism by others. Many people hold back from setting worthwhile goals because they have found that every time they set a goal, somebody steps up and tells them that they can’t get it or that they will lose their energy, money or waste their time.

Each of us is strongly influenced by the opinions of those around us; one of the first things that you must learn when you start setting goals is to keep your goals confidential. Don’t tell anyone about your targets. Frequently, it is the fear of criticism that, more than any other single factor stops you from target setting in the first place. 

So keep your goals to yourself, with one exception. Share your goals only with others who are dedicated to achieving goals of their own and who really want you to be successful and achieve your goals as well.


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