Issues in Marriage Relationship


In a marriage relationship couples whether young or old often have basic issues to contend with, God help you if you are from some countries of Africa, marriage headaches become even multiple. The main headaches some marriages go through borders on communication

Issues between couples are often misunderstood or blown out of proportion, this situation then makes one or both partner to bottle up issues that can explode on little or no provocation; thereby worsening the already bad situation.

There are also deeper issues of importance which though not always on the front burner but can throw the spanner on the wheel of marital relationships. The issues to watch out for are as follows:
·        Care for one another,
·        Respect one another at all times,
·        Interest in what your partner does,
·        Make time to play with one another,
·        Give proper and quality attention to your partner,
·        Sexual relationship should remain healthy at all times,
·        Issue of in-laws should not be allow to tear your relationship apart, and
·        Children should be a blessing of the relationship not a replacement of your partner.

Caring is a constant and tender relationship that couples look for in their partners. In many couples the main question in their minds are “Does he or she care enough about me?  It will gladden any heart to learn that "He or She does really care about you” Couples should give all it takes to achieve harmony in their relationships because; a state of harmony will hold them together, and foster happiness and creativity.


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